Intel @ LEGOWorld

Following the success of the Mizuno project, we partnered with Intel to take ShadowRunner to LEGOWorld.
The system was rebuilt to run on Intel NUC hardware and we set off on what would be the first of many trips to Denmark.
Major upgrades included HD footage and processing ability, an Arduino-based laser trip wire for the finish line and a kiosk for player registration and race control.
The kids loved it and we were invited back every year for the following 3 years, upgrading to 2 sets of lanes and rebuilding the registration system as a Sinatra app. Having multiple registration terminals led to a higher throughput (more happy kids!), and a central store of players and races meant the live leaderboard upgrade was an easy task.
A set of rake tasks handled player queue and leaderboard management, video uploads and batch emailing through SendGrid, which eventually made things a lot easier to support (onsite and remotely).
Looking out over the conference center from the hotel room. I was not prepared for how cold it is over there :)